Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HTTP on Browser

We are now in Internet age and one of the software we use on regular basis, except OS, is browser. If we calculate the average time we spend with browser in one day, it would be more then the time spent on most of other software's in a week!!
but did we ever thought that what browser is and how it works? I am sure most of us never thought on it.
For me, browser, or in specific, 'Web Browser' is a client software which help us to communicate with different server machines. We discussed about communication and protocol in our last blog.
As we know that to make a communication we need two things. 1) network and 2) Protocol.
So it is true in case of browsers also. It require network and usually supports all standard protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc.
Lets discuss something about HTTP now.
HTTP is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol with support HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and it is a stateless protocol.
It is very important to understand the meaning of stateless here because it is the only reason behind evolution of Web development languages like ASP, Servlet, JSP etc.
A stateless protocol starts with a request and end with a response from server. It can not maintain the transactional data by itself.
To understand it better, lest assume a login page where user pass login Id and password and it return welcome page if login credentials are correct.
Now there are other links to go from login page but how those page will know that login was successful at last time and the user sending page request is having any account. More over if page is suppose to display user specific data the for which user date needs to be displayed as HTTP already lost the request and response data.
To handle these scenarios programmers needs Session Management which we will discuss in future blogs.

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