Wednesday, October 20, 2010

MultiOrg and MOAC: Introduction

In Oracle Apps practice, I have seen people using MOAC and Multi Org Concept as one and the same thing. In one way it is actually same but there is some basic difference as well.
Let's discuss about them one by one.
Multi Org concept was introduced in Oracle Apps in 11i and still in use. Multi Org feature is facilitating single instance deployment for multiple organizations in place of multiple instances for each org.
All the records will be logically partitioned with org_id in same table which is unique identifier for an organization. Data retrieval is done on the basis of Views having additional filter condition of
Where USERENV('CLIENT_INFO') will be replaced with Org_ID retrieved from session.
While creating responsibilities, we can assign an Org to it and end user can use this responsibility to create data for respective org.
There was a drawback of this approach.
1) To provide access for multiple org, we have to create multiple responsibilities for same menu and assign it to user.
2) While entering data for multiple org, user has to switch the responsibility.
In real life scenario, a single user has access on multiple organization and he/she need to enter data for these organization at the same time.
To overcome above issues, Oracle comes up with new concept called MOAC (Multi Org access Control).
With MOAC, a user can have access on multiple organizations at same time with help of security profile.
While Application Deployment, administrator can create security profiles in HRMS responsibility which he can associate to Site, application, responsibility or user.
If you create new Business Group, system will create Security profile for new BU having access on all OUs associated with it automatically.
Once the security profile attached to profile value, user can see data for only those organizations for which security profiles provide access to him.
This is done with the help of secure synonyms where policies associated to it restrict the data.

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